
We are a firm of Venezuelan lawyers with over thirty years of experience and tradition in the country

Our philosophy is to offer the best and most reliable legal advice

We specialize in each of the fields of law, mainly in the areas of labor law, commercial and civil. We provide comprehensive advice on any legal proceedings to be carried out before any public agency in the country. We provide effectively and timely answers to your problems.

Our headquarters are located in the city of Valencia, Carabobo State, known as the Industrial Park of Venezuela. We also have satellites lawyers across the country.

We provide comprehensive legal advice and consultancy

We provide comprehensive legal advice and consultancy, permanent and updated, as a preventive measure in order to cover each and every one of your needs, allowing you to have an external legal department solvent each request or questions you may have, not only as a company but too personally.

We have a group of highly skilled trial lawyers in different areas of law such as the Labour Law, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Administrative Law and Criminal Law with studies of third, fourth and fifth level in the best universities in the country and the world, who not only have engaged in legal training at the highest academic levels but also taught professorship at major universities.


Our firm has excellent litigators throughout the country trained in the different areas of law
Lawyer Profile

Luis Tadeo Marcano Suárez

Lawyer + Master + Dr

Practicing lawyer, expert in criminal matters.

Practicing lawyer, Doctor of Science in Education, Master in Labour Law, Oral expert in criminal litigation (Western Law School San Diego, California), University Professor (UAM), Director and founder of the firm.

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Luis Alejandro Marcano Girón

Lawyer + Master

Practicing lawyer, specializing in HR.

Practicing lawyer, Specialist in Human Rights (University of Castilla la Mancha. Toledo, Spain), Oral expert in criminal litigation (Western Law School San Diego, California), Master in Labour Law (UC). UC and UAM University Professor . Director and Founder of the firm.

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Mora Marcano Suárez

Lawyer + Master

Practicing lawyer, Master in Maritime Law.

Luis Javier Marcano Girón


Practicing lawyer, litigator.

We have a large staff of satellites lawyers located in all major states of Venezuela such as: Anzoátegui, Aragua, Bolívar, Capital District, Guárico, Lara, Monagas, Nueva Esparta, Portuguesa, Sucre y Zulia. Bridle allowing exceptional service inside and outside the country and quickly provide legal response against any emergency that may arise.


We are pleased to have a range of clients engaged in different business activities within and outside Venezuela

Our firm has extensive experience in managing the construction sector being perfectly familiar with the various collective contracts linked to this sector, just as we have years of experience in legal advice in the field of Hospitality, the Industrial sector in continuous processes in the automotive industry specifically in the area of dealers and we have a large range of customers linked to the transport of heavy loads, banks, health services and developers sector.

For several years we have advised major international franchises in their adaptation and operations within the country legally in all aspects necessary for effective performance and proper management of staff.

quotes openOur firm has extensive experience in managing the construction sectorquotes close

Eco Marcket
Burger King
GH Hoteles


We are pleased to inform our customers that we recently held important strategic alliances with excellent law firms that guarantee our presence in USA, Mexico and Costa Rica

Mexico & Costa Rica

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Main Office

4 Av. del Parral, C.C.P. Ceravica
Piso 3 Oficina 3-C.
Valencia, Edo. Carabobo. Venezuela.


+58 0241-8254550
+58 0241-8254814


[email protected]